After this, I will return
And they will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down;
I will rebuild its ruins.
And I will set it up;
17 So that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord,
Even all the Gentiles who are called by My name,
Says the Lord who does all these things. Acts 15:16-17 NKJV
God commissioned me to write a book, “Taking America Back For God”.
And in the course of writing this book, I observed that we Christians have been careless and allowed the enemy to creep into the inheritance of the Lord and since then things have not been the same again. Since the landmark judgment of the Supreme Court in Murray v. Curlett (1963) that made prayers and Bible reading illegal in public schools, evil has been allowed into America. When America kicked out the word of God they kicked out life and inference embraced death. And since that time things have fallen apart, and the center could no longer. the fear of God jumped out of the window and disappeared. And people who do not have the fear of God will have no regard for human life. And so life has become so cheap in America, that people waste human lives anyhow, through gun violence, suicide and abortion.
However, God has shown mercy and has heard the prayers of the saints and has graciously returned to take back His inheritance and beautify it.
America is a Christian nation but by our careless and nonchalant attitude we have allowed the secularists to define us and they have labeled us a secular nation.
Dr Amos Nelson Wilson says, “If we don’t know who we are, then we are whoever somebody says we are”.
Unfortunately, that is what has happened to us in this country. We have allowed the atheists, the agnostics and the secularists to define us. America IS NOT a secular nation, but A CHRISTIAN NATION, that was birthed by our founding fathers as a Christian nation. And the facts are there to prove this assertion.
If you are a Christian you owe it a duty to God to come to the path of truth and embrace the truth and broadcast the truth to the whole world that America is a Christian nation. And never again will we allow strangers to define us.